Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

The last month or so has been crazy! I admit to blog negligence and take full responsibility. Things have been so hectic, I haven't had time to do any blogging. One big change that took place is the departure of Lincoln. He was a great puppy, but we were in just a tad over our heads. Fortunately the shelter he was from was able to get him a great home back in IL.

Elisabeth is the Christmas person between the two of us, and she has done pretty well in decorating the house. I'm a grinch and just study in my office. Elisabeth set up the tree with Roman's help and she worked with him on respecting the ornaments. :) Here are a few pics of Roman with the tree and his stocking.

I get to be a big helper!

It took Roman a little time to get use to the hat, but he does look great in it.
What a funny little elf!